Friday, 12 February 2010

More tuning tips on slow Weblogic 10

In the earlier parts of this article I described some technical tuning tips specific to a slow-performing Weblogic JEE server.

Another earlier post has looked at how to set the JSP check seconds values.

This is a follow-up article specifically for tuning the similar settings for Weblogic 10 - since the syntax has changed.

In weblogic.xml, ensure the following are set as below:


Assuming that no JSPs are being hot deployed or dropped directly into the production server


and this one


Ensure all of these are inserted at the right place within the weblogic.xml to avoid any start up error messages

Check against the reference here


  1. Why do you not use
    true in your example above? Doesn't this compile your jsps when the application is deployed, as opposed to compiling them when accessed the 1st time? (slower startup -> faster runtime).

    Thanks for the site. Its helped alot.

  2. @sw - Indeed we should precompile the JSPs using true. Thanks for pointing out.

    That was the setting I used in WL 8 as on this article

    I have amended this one too. Gotta check my Production settings again


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